Puppy First Aid
Be prepared to control bleeding, check respirations, treat for shock and prepare for transport to your veterinarian.
Post your veterinarians phone number with all of your other emergency numbers. List your veterinarians number in your cellular phone. Be familiar with your veterinarian’s procedures in the event of an emergency and if an emergency were to happen after business hours. Determine if there are emergency animal care facilities in your area.
All puppy and dog owners should consider purchasing a book on puppy/dog first aid. You may also consider taking a pet first aid course offered through your local American Red Cross. There are several good cooks on the market to choose from:
Emergency Care for Dogs and Cats – First Aid for Your Pet by Dr. Cranton Burkholder, D.V.M., MA.
Dog Owner’s Home Veterinary Handbook by Delbert G. Carlson, DVM and James M. Griffin M.D
Dog Owner’s Veterinary Guide by G.W. Stam
Emergency First Aid for Dogs by Sheldon Rubin, D.V.M
Complete Book of Dog Care by Leon F. Whitney D.V.M.; revised by George D. Whitney